On-Site Garden Design Services

Megan Heather Interior & Garden Design offers on-site garden design services to clients across Scotland. If you want a more hands-on service then this is perfect for you! We understand that all projects are unique so that is why we tailor our packages to your budget and needs. Get in touch with us if you would like to book an initial design consultation.

  • Garden Design Consultation

    Design Consultation

    We provide in person design consultations where we will discuss your requirements for your outdoor space and your preferences. We also survey the existing site and analyse any issues.

  • Contemporary Garden Plan

    Master Plans

    Master plans give an overview of the layout of the garden. We fully annotate all of our master plans with details of materials and products so that your contractor can easily build the design.

  • Contemporary Garden Elevation

    Elevations/ Sketches

    Rendered elevations and sketches are great for giving you an overall feel for the garden. We can provide these as part of the full design service or individually.

  • Cottage Garden 3D Visual

    3D Visualisations

    If you are looking to see more realistic imagery of the proposed design, then 3D visuals are perfect for you. They help you to understand how the design proposal will work in your existing space.

  • Cottage Garden Planting Design Scheme

    Planting Design & Specification

    If you have a plant bed that is in need of some attention, we can help with the planting design. We can design planting combinations for you and draw up plans showing locations and quantities of plants.

  • Project Management

    Project Management

    We can also help with project managing your garden design project. With any of our design services, we can source and discuss the designs with contractors.

Our Process

  • Each project begins with an initial consultation (complimentary to those within North East Scotland) where we will discuss the project, your likes and dislikes and any issues you have with your current outdoor space. At this meeting we will also outline the services we can provide. A quote for our services will be drafted based upon these requirements following the consultation. 

  • Following the acceptance of the quote, a meeting will take place where we will survey and analyse your existing space. A plan will then be drawn up detailing any boundaries, existing buildings, trees and changes of height. We will present this to you alongside a concept board, initial sketches and layout ideas.

  • The design concept will then be developed based upon your feedback of the initial sketches and layout plans. A master plan, elevations and 3d visualisations will be created detailing specification of materials and items used. At this stage, we will outline areas for planting but plants will not be specified until the overall design has been approved.

  • After the overall design proposal has been approved, we can begin working on planting combinations. For this, we create detailed planting plans specifying location and quantities. We will present this to you alongside a specification document. If required, we can source the plants for the project as well. 

  • A final design consultation will take place where we will discuss the overall design in depth. A presentation package will be provided with all of the drawings and plant specifications. With this information, you can either take the information to manage to project yourself or we can source a contractor and oversee the design work.

Interested in online garden design services?

We offer those too! Visit our online design page for more details.